
How to solve File too big error in installing Wordpress on 000webhost?

With the latest version of Wordpress2.92, everyone can face the error of “File too big” due to its large size. However the zipped file is only 2.4mb and the maximum file size lowed in 000webhost is 5mb then why this error? Because that’s the zipped folder.. The files inside the folders are more than 5mb.
I also faced this problem and did not find any solution from net. I solved this by doing some foolish tricks.. here we go;
Download Wordpress software from www.wordpress.org. That will be in a zipped folder. Unzip all the files to another folder. In unzip files, there will be three folders and many files after unzipping. Now zip the three folders individually in three separate folders and zip the remaining files an fourth folder. That’s it. Now upload each zipped folder one by one and you are done with your installing of Wordpress without getting any error of File Too Big. Leave the comments if you find any difficulty.
Best of luck.